Von Barlus

Unterwasserforschung, Aquakultur, Live-Übertragung mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Unterwasser-Webcam

Normaler Preis $580.00 USD
Normaler Preis Verkaufspreis $580.00 USD
inkl. MwSt. Versand wird beim Checkout berechnet
Pixel: 2MP
Frame rate: 30FPS
Cable length: 10m
  • PayPal

For bulk purchases contact Tim for discounts:sales2@barluscam.com

Normaler Preis $580.00 USD
Normaler Preis Verkaufspreis $580.00 USD

Garantieren Sie einen sicheren Transport und eine sichere Kaufabwicklung

SK2-3PX10 SK2-3P6X10 SK2-4P12X10 SK5-3P5X10 SK8-3PX10
Linse 2,8 mm (H.FOV: 100° ) Objektiv 3,6 mm (H.FOV: 85°) Objektiv 2,8 mm (H.FOV: 100°) Objektiv
Pixel 2 Megapixel, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
1 MP 1280×720P
1/2,8" SONY CMOS-Sensor, Farbe 0,001 Lux
F1.2, schwarz/weiß
0,0001 Lux F1,2
2 Megapixel, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
1 MP 1280×720P
1/2,8" SONY CMOS
Sensor, Farbe 0,001 Lux
F1.2, schwarz/weiß
0,0001 Lux F1,2
2 Megapixel, 1920 x 1080 Pixel
1 MP 1280×720P
1/1,8" SONY CMOS
Sensor, Farbe 0,001 Lux
F1.2, schwarz/weiß
0,0001 Lux F1,2
5MP 2592×1944P
4MP 2560*1440 Pixel
3MP 2304*1296P
2MP 1920×1080P
1/1,8" SONY CMOS
Sensor, Farbe 0,001 Lux
F1.2, schwarz/weiß
0,0001 Lux F1,2
8MP 3840*2160P
30 Bilder/s
5MP 2592×1944P
4MP 2560*1440 Pixel
1/2,8" SONY CMOS
Sensor, Farbe 0,001 Lux
F1.2, schwarz/weiß
0,0001 Lux F1,2
Fülllicht (mobil
(Automatische Lichtsensorsteuerung/manuelle Steuerung/Zeitsteuerung) 3 Möglichkeiten
------ 3 weißes Licht, 10 Helligkeitsstufen, 1000 Lumen
(Automatische Lichtsensorsteuerung/manuelle Steuerung/Zeitsteuerung) 3 Möglichkeiten
------ 4-teiliges Infrarotlicht, 10 Helligkeitsstufen, 1000 Lumen
Bildfarbe Zwei Modi: 1: Weißes Licht – Vollfarbe; 2: Infrarotlicht – automatische Umstellung von Farbe auf Schwarzweiß;



Pool cleaning medications usually include sanitizers, algaecides, pH adjusters, and more. Some cleaning medications may pose a potential risk of corrosion to metal equipment in the pool. .

Intelligentes Fülllicht

4 Infrarot- und 3 weiße LED-Kameras, lichtempfindlicher IC erkennt automatisch die Umgebung, unterstützt 10-stufige Lichthelligkeitsanpassung und kann die Lichtintensität je nach Bedarf frei anpassen, was beim Angeln praktischer ist. Schalten Sie die Lichter nach Belieben ein und aus.

Professionell und sicher

💪Kameragehäuse und Kabel bestehen aus speziellen Unterwassermaterialien, sind langlebiger und weniger rostanfällig, extrem korrosionsbeständig und wasserdicht. Es kann für lange Zeit fest im Meerwasser installiert werden.
👉POE- oder DC-Stromversorgung ist optional.
Einfache Installation: POE-Kameras benötigen lediglich ein Ethernet-Kabel zur Bereitstellung von Strom und Daten, es wird kein separates Stromkabel benötigt, was die Komplexität der Installation reduziert.

Die Unterwasserkamera von Barlus bietet mit ihrem hochauflösenden CMOS-Sensor mit bis zu 8 Megapixeln außergewöhnliche Details, und Benutzer können während der Aufnahme wunderschöne HD-Videos in Echtzeit direkt auf ihren Geräten aufzeichnen. Diese Kamera eignet sich hervorragend zum Aufzeichnen aller Arten von Wasserlebewesen und atemberaubender neuer Wasserumgebungen.

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Perfect for saltwater environments

"I installed a BARLUS Marine 316L Stainless Steel 5MP 2.8mm, IP68 Camera under a hotel pier in the Caribbean so customers can check out the camera stream to enjoy the very same place they spent time snorkeling and scuba diving. I used an ONVIF discovery tool to identify the RTSP and RTMP stream URL (both main and sub channels) and ported that URL to ipcamlive (www.ipcamlive.com is a media server). Then coded the media server stream into an HTML5 WEB Page. I intend to purchase several more cameras from Barlus from similar projects. I will post the URL stream after I get permission form the property owner.
I also configured the TinyCam Android app for direct hand phone viewing with no problem. The MKvision app also works but I wanted to test other apps and had no problems.
In this underwater application I tested for a few days and decided the night time IR LED lights were not necessary so I disabled them using the PTZ preset function to turn them off.
I also experimented with several on-line media servers to convert the Barlus camera RTSP stream to RTMP for YouTube Live streaming. Worked very good but decided to go with a fixed HTML5 compliant web page instead of YouTube Live.
Note, if you do not have the upstream bandwidth to stream the high resolution main channel you can also select the smaller resolution sub-channel which is still very good.
My conclusion is this is a very good camera and recommend it for underwater projects. 304 stainless steel is good for fresh water but make sure you order 316L for salt water. You can produce a very good video stream from this camera.
If you just want to install the camera and use the iphone, android or PC app, they all work great with no software knowledge required.

The camera also worked fine driving an additional 200 feet of CAT5e cable to a router."

Great underwater camera

I use it to view koi in a large koi pond. The mechanical part of the product it very sound. I have needed some help to get the software and internet access to work properly. During those times someone from the company was able to remote into my machine and help sort out the settings. I looked at many underwater cameras and this feels like an excellent fit for the price point.

High quality picture in low and normal light. Linux-usable.

Works over standard protocols, so compatible with raspicamplayer and such. Management software is mostly Windows and Mac but partially works on Linux with Wine. You can manually add camera and modify configuration. The android app also allows configuring the camera but not as much as the included Windows tools.

Great Build Quality, Good Value

Upon quick receipt of the camera, I was immediately struck by the build quality. It weighs in at an honest-to-goodness 4+ pounds; very nice finish. As a total video streaming newbie, it took several tries to get a live stream up on YouTube, but I am very happy with the results.

Well built and very good video quality

"This is my third purchase of these cameras and have to say of all the under water cameras I've used in my Koi pond, these are by far the best built cameras I've used.

I've attached some pictures captured from the cameras, and some of how I mount them in my straight walled pond for easy relocation and mounting depth adjustment.

I leave the PVC unpainted as it will become covered in algae over time but could be painted with a pond safe paint

These pictures are without any external or internal light source other than a cloudy day, you can see one of the other cameras across the pond in the first 2 images."